Saturday, January 30, 2010

Course of the Day

Pic of the Day

Snow Day At The Castle

Snowy and one hell of a ride home!
12 Degrees and a full Team Grunt Outing!
Some high-lights and lots of low-lights!
Eric 33 35 68
Jim 35 34 69
Andy 34 36 70
Justyn 38 36 74

Friday, January 29, 2010

Course Photo of the Day

Pichot State Park
Quakers Challenge
For some reason I
cannot picture this hole
in my head.

Lightning MX-1

Lightning's fastest driver to date by far, with a wing resembling all the other wide-winged drivers that go farther than anything just a few years ago. Flies like an understable Pro Boss, with a wing-width between an Orc and a Wraith.
Steve Howle, Lightning's founder, owner, general manager, office bartender and charwoman, had this to say about it:

"very fast with a long straight line glide--a little understable below 170 g--second run may be slightly retooled,- we won't cut anything until we run the Pro and Maxline plastic"

Holy Smokes what's Maxline plastic?! What a brave new world!

This is the very first run in Lightning's entry level (i.e. inexpensive and hence not as durable as other versions to come) plastic, and ushers in a new era for Lightning, which was quickly becoming the brand with very controllable discs preferred by beginners.

So move over Mr. Boss, Sir Nuke, and Father Halo, and make room for Herr MX-1. Someone please pinch me, just not too hard in case I'm actually not dreaming.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Some Funny Paw Paw Bits

Chuck Kennedy (Former PDGA board Member says)
He was trapped in the old 2002 rulebook where you used to take your lie on a lost disc at the last point the group saw it. The current rulebook requires the player to rethrow from their original lie on a lost disc which was the tee in this case.

Eric Beich says:
and also I believe the other players in the group, when asked? , are required to help look for the lost disc and have 3 minutes. if not found after 3 minutes of looking then the retee is required.

Jaime Gr8 Roc Shot Ruane's reply:
Yeah it's a brutal rule...but it is the current rule. Your buddy should have calmed down, took a breath and dealt with it. Sounds like a rule book is needed in your bag...someone in the group should always have one....just in case.

Justyn's Reply:
I guess I forgot to add, that I pulled the rule book out and read it aloud to the group. He then went back to retee, only to hit two more trees, Then decide the rules dont matter, and he was gonna take it where he wanted to. Should have been a DNF.

Jaime Gr8 Roc Shot Ruane's reply:
Wow...he should've definitely eaten some humble pie....You and your group were completely in the right on this one.

Just found this on
Guess i ranted a tad bit.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Sorry to Flame

But, this guy is a complete JACKASS!
"Headed up to Rutgers Disc Golf Course after work on Monday for lots of Disc Golf. It was a nice night to play and great to get out to Rutgers again. I got my 407th, 408th, 409th, and 410th Aces".

After personal e-mails from this douche, pleading how he has actually not "CUBBY" aced all his holes. All I can say is , Fawk you ass-clown!
You have made a joke of the sport.
Get a life ass-nugget.
Joke of the Day:
Did Cubby ACE Today?
Nope, He played a round with someone else!
Did Cubby Ace ever with anyone else as a witness? (2x)
How Many Aces without anybody else? 418? BWAH!
This still kills me, This guy actually has e-mailed me before
pleading his case.

Course of the Week

Beaver Creek Meadows
Red Feather Lakes, CO
1st Hole, Basket located just beyond
the footing of the left side of the bridge,
on the other side side of the lake.
**On a side note, No Drop-Zone!**
Say's, ReTee until bag is empty.
345 feet Par 3

Monday, January 25, 2010


Long To C

AC SLater 81
Bagger Vance 76


Champ GLOW Teebirds here $14.95

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Bagger 28, 24, 52
Jamal 28, 28, 56

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Basket of the Day

Located at Hornings Hideout in Portland.
Also known in jambands circles, as an awesome
music venue, for known reasons!

For Bagger

Star Whippet-X Glow

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Walkersville Icebowl

50 players showed

100-48-52 Jacky Frost
100-51-49 Jay Gobrecht
101-53-48 Eric Boger
102-50-52 Rick Honn
102-50-52 Wayne Nordberg
103-50-53 Joel Provencher
104-52-52 Russell Johnston
105-52-53 Eric Reickel
105-52-53 Wayne Zink
106-51-55 Andrew Slater
107-54-53 Dan Becker
107-53-54 Eric Buschman
108-52-56 Mark Susi
110-57-53 Patrick Smith
110-55-55 Ray Thompson
113-58-55 Billy Bob
115-57-58 Bobby Sever

Saturday, January 16, 2010


From Guest Admn.
Rockburn 1-10-10
28 degrees Layout 3,8,7

Eric 32 Slayter 33
32 32
64 65

Monday, January 11, 2010

For Jim

Get your Classic Champion Roc's here!


MVP Disc Sports, a family owned and operated golf disc manufacturing outfit based in Michigan, has introduced its first disc. The Ion is a stable putter comprised of two different kind of plastic; the firm Electron Plastic forms the rim, and the flight plate is a more malleable blend called Proton Plastic.

The first batch of Ions sports a red rim with a blue middle that’s fairly soft, and all of them weigh between 165 and 167 grams. It feels great in the hand, flies straight with a gentle fade at the end of an extended glide, and grabs the chains as if it’s bonding with them on a molecular level. MVP Disc Sports plans to produce its brainchild in a wider range of weights, a rainbow of colors, and varying degrees of flexibility.

What's In The Bag?

Nikko Lacastro

USDGC Lead Card

Lead Card Part One
Lead Card Part Two

Friday, January 8, 2010

Feel The Love


1st Jay Gobrecht/Jay Gobrecht 84
1st Bill Geibel / Dylan Horst 84
2nd Mike Zinn / Dan Becker 86
3rd Tony Rang / Eric Boger 87
4th Fred Hickman / Wayne Nordberg 89


1st Chris Powell / Matt Ruhlman 96
2nd Brad Koppenheffer / Nick K. 103
3rd Kyle Mummert / John "Stumpy" Stump 104
4th Zach Anders / Amanda Hickman 105
5th John Cunningham / Vanessa Koppenheffer 106
6th Mark Brooks / Brian Mercer 108
6th Dave Powell / Brian "Coleman" Saum 108
7th Wayne "Freight Train" Trump / Brad Silvi 110

Sunday, January 3, 2010

1st Grunting of the Year

Brought to you by Guest Admin.

1st Grunting of 2010
P-tap blue-green
22 degrees with 30-50 MPH wind
Had to start on 6 with NO warming up.
Stayed close until Eric missed mando on 13 with a forehand roller
takes circle 6. Jims drive sneaks by the mando and skips up to A pin and takes a drop in 3.
walking up to 16 Jim has a 6 stroke lead with 8 holes left.
Quote of the day:
Jim says " Looks like this is going to be my day"

Back 9 totals
Eric 43
Jim 38

Eric ties it up by hole 2
Jims takes a stroke back on 3 with a nice par
Eric finishes 4,4
Jim finishes 6,6
Fun but cold round

Eric 79
Jim 82