Copyright Infringement?
You Decide.
A few Days ago, Team Grunt member Eric, recieved an e-mail from PDGA Director Brian Graham. It stated that the "bowl hole" Logo was a copyright infringement against the PDGA. I have not heard anything as such. I AM TEAM GRUNT. SO, Mr. Graham.
Contact the author of the blog, not someone whom has left a comment.
Until further notice, the "bowl-hole" logo will stay. This is another reason why the PDGA SUCKS. Mr. Graham, learn to use the internet a lil better, and please contact me personally. This is not a he said/ she said world. This site was intended for the 5 members of Team Grunt and perhaps any other avid fan of DG whom may have stumbled upon this poor excuse for my spare 10 minutes of a single day.
I hope the PDGA does not PAY you to surf the net and find supposed "copyrights."
This is possibly the reason I will never pay your ridiculous extorsion fees each season. Thanks for making me laugh!
You've GOT to be kidding me. Here I just bought a PDGA bag thinking I was helping the sport not a brand.
See if any of these work
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